Hopefully you are attending the MySQL Users Conference and are going to take advantage of the very deeply discounted exam prices. Normally the exams are $200 but we offer them at the UC for $25.
There will be two sessions each day of the three day conference. The session are at 10:30 and 13:40 for ninety minutes. And there is a special Exam Q&A Session will be held in the Magnolia Room, Tuesday from 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm.
We will be offering the Developer I & II, DBA I & II exams, and the Cluster exam. Please remember the Cluster exams is for those who already have the DBA certification.
The website omits mention of the Associate Exam but we will be offering that one also.
All exams will be administered in the Magnolia Room on the lobby level of the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara (adjacent to the convention center).
In order to attend an exam, you must bring:
* Payment voucher (obtained at the registration desk)
* Photo ID
* MySQL Certification Candidate ID number. If you do not already have a Certification Candidate ID number from earlier exams, you must obtain one HERE.
Because time is at a premium, please make sure you have met those requirements or you could miss an exam session.
And if you have all your certifications, please drop by and say 'hi'!
Dave, does one have to actually have a conference pass for this, or anybody can drop by and just take the exam?
Alex, you have to be a registered attendee of the Users Conference. It is one of the many benefits offered at the show. If you can make it, it is well worth your time, effort and expense.
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