Attention MySQL certification candidates and those of you have earned your certifications: Please let us know if you have a new address or email.
First: This keeps us from sending your certificates to your old address. Tracking down your certification package can be very expensive in time and money.
Second: Our recent purchase by Sun means that our certification data will soon be rolled into Sun's certification database. Please help me out by having your data up to date.
So how do you update your address? You can update your data at Pearson VUE's website or send an email to
Please take two minutes today to save hours of very hard work in the future!
I had address problem previously when I moved.
I had updated my VUE address, but MySQL side seems to not pick that up.
It is still the same now, my address at VUE is new while the address I see when I logon to the candidate area is still the old address.
Please send your updated info to and I will make sure it gets correctly entered.
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