Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Texans - learn to tune your MySQL Servers

Brian Miezejewski will be presenting at the North Texas MySQL Users Group on June 1st on performance tuning on your system. Brian is a top-level tuning guru and this is your chance to get an expert to examine your system.

So on your system, run the following:

mysqladmin -u -p va >varis.txt

Then during your peak usage time (if possible):

mysqladmin -u -p ex -i 15 -r >stats.txt

Let it run for 10 minutes before hitting ctrl-c to kill it. Bring in the varis.txt and the stats.txt files for tuning and review.

Meeting: June 1st
7:00 PM
Sun Offices
Suite 700
16000 Dallas Tollway



Arnaud said...

Hi Dave,

Any feedback or presentation file about those mysqladmin files get decrypted ?


Dave Stokes said...

Sorry, but Brian's material belogs to Brian. He has done the material in a webinar that you maybe able to find online at the MySQL website.

Arnaud Gadal said...

I guess it's that one : http://www.mysql.fr/news-and-events/on-demand-webinars/display-od-356.html

Thanks !